Project Description

Deputy Director of the Data Stewardship Division in the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). In this role, Ken oversees the operations of the NOAA archive and developing our new cloud archive services.
Ken has a PhD in Oceanography and his expertise and research interests fall within physical oceanography, satellite remote sensing of SST, informatics and data science.
Ken joined GHRSST in 2002 when it was the GODAE High Resolution SST Pilot Project (GHRSST-PP). He was creating SST climatologies and climate data records at the time, and was intrigued by the idea of having broader access to SST datasets from around the world. He has benefitted from the GHRSST Community by gaining an appreciation for the incredible expertise and capabilities of the global SST community.
Among Ken’s many memorable experiences, he believes the GHRSST Data Specification set the standard not just for the global SST community, but has also served as a model for many other domain communities to follow.
Reach out to Ken at