We love open access!

This was the reason for moving most of our records, presentations, talks, posters to a unique community in Zenodo, a collector of all records generated by the GHRSST community that we are happy to share with the world in open access.

The GHRSST community on Zenodo is available under this link: https://zenodo.org/communities/ghrsst

What will you find on Zenodo?

  • Presentations held by the GHRSST community to GHRSST events and external events
  • The presentations of the GHRSST Talks series
  • The poster presented at poster sessions at different conferences
  • The Guidelines for SST data producers
  • The Guidelines for SST data users
  • The Proceedings of the GHRSST international science team meetings and symposia

and much more…


Here below you can find some guidelines on how to move around in the Zenodo community: