Fresh from the press: Annual report 2021
Fresh from the press, an overview on our activities in 2021. Many thanks to all the contributors and especially to the science team! Grab your copy from Zenodo: ?? [...]
1 February 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Climate Data Records
1 February 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Climate Data Records This Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) webinar provides an overview of the OSI SAF products and their applications. Link [...]
27 January 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Sea Ice Parameters
27 January 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Sea Ice Parameters This Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) webinar provides an overview of the OSI SAF products and their applications. Link [...]
25 January 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Sea Surface Temperature
25 January 2022, OSI SAF Webinar: Sea Surface Temperature This Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) webinar provides an overview of the OSI SAF products and their applications. Link [...]
GHRSST XXII meeting proceedings available
The proceedings of the Science Team Meeting 2021 (GHRSST XXII) have been published. The webpage of the meeting on the website is now reporting the full list of resources with [...]
GHRSST goes COP26: Ocean Connections from the Arctic across the globe
We are proud to have co-organised a 1 hour workshop on "Ocean Connections from the Arctic across the globe" on 4 Nov 2021 in Glasgow & virtual. For more info: [...]
GHRSST co-organised a webinar on ocean predictions and observations in response to the climate emergency on 16 Sept 2021
See the full post about this webinar on this page
OSM2022 Session on remote sensing and societally important regions
Session CB15 "Application of Remote Sensing to Societally Important Regions: Coastal, Estuarine, Tropical and Polar Waters” Session Format: In-person, at the Hawaii Convention Center Organizers: Jorge Vazquez, Jose Gomez-Valdes, Paul [...]
Renew your subscription to our newsletter!
After the migration of the Project Office to the Danish Meteorological Institute, we have set up a new newsletter service for you all. Please subscribe to the new newsletter here: [...]
We are pleased to announce the publication of the following paper, which performs diagnostics on eight global SST analyses with the aim to provide guidance for users on the application of long-term SST analyses [...]