Outline of the science sessions: International SST User Symposium and GHRSST International Science Team Meeting (GHRSST24)
The GHRSST is an open international science group that promotes the application of satellites for monitoring sea surface temperature (SST). Our 24th International SST Users' Symposium and Science Team Meeting will take [...]
11 May 2023, GHRSST at the Thermal EO 2023 workshop: Requirements for future high-resolution sea-surface temperature missions
GHRSST was present at the Thermal EO 2023 workshop (https://thermal2023.esa.int/) with a presentation held on 11 May 2023 by Jacob Høyer (DMI), member of the GHRSST Science Team and of [...]
12th Session of the Ship Observations Team, 15-18 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia
GHRSST has been invited to present a contribution to the: Ship Observations Team SOT-12, 12th Session of the Ship Observations Team, held from 15 - 18 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia Werenfrid [...]
GHRSST Annual report 2022 now available
A summary of the activities held in 2022 is now available. The goal of this annual report is to provide a review on the key activities and results of the [...]
Line up for the GHRSST Talks until June 2023
GHRSST Talks are a series of webinars on SST measured by the satellite constellation. They take place once a month, in average. The speakers for the first half of 2023 [...]
TRISHNA mission questionnaire for SST users
TRISHNA mission questionnaire The TRISHNA mission (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment) is a cooperation between the French (CNES) and Indian (ISRO) space agencies. It will measure [...]
Call for speakers GHRSST talks for 2023
GHRSST Talks, a series of talks on Sea Surface Temperature measured by the satellite constellation The Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature grew out of a GODAE Pilot Project, [...]
Proceedings of the International Science Team Meeting GHRSST23 now available!
The proceedings contain the links to all the resources linked to the Science Sessions, the Agencies' Reports. It contains the links to the presentations, posters, recordings in Zenodo and more [...]
Deadline abstracts: 15 January 2023, International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO
The European Space Agency, together with ASI, CNES, ISRO and NASA is organising the International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO, to be held at ESA/ESRIN on 10-12 May 2023. High-resolution thermal Earth Observation (EO) [...]
OSOS-3 submission new deadline 11 December 2022
NEW! Abstract submission deadline: 11 December 2022 Abstracts are now solicited for the third international Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium (OSOS-3)! The Executive Steering Committee and Scientific Programme Committee Co-Chairs are [...]