Science Session on Applications and Observation at GHRSST25
Talks Improved Surface Currents from Altimeter-Derived and Sea Surface Temperature Observations: Application to the North Atlantic Ocean and intercomparison of the OSTIA L4 NRT and [...]
Science Session 5: Advances in Computing and Products at GHRSST25
Session Description This session is dedicated to new and evolving approaches of computing techniques for GHRSST data product formulation, validation and scientific investigation. Results using methodology and workflows applying Artificial [...]
Science Session 4: Calibration, Validation, and Product Assessment at GHRSST25
Session Description This session aims to highlight recent advancements in sea-surface temperature (SST), with a particular focus on the calibration and validation of satellite-derived SST products and the assessment [...]
Science Session 3: Challenging Regions: the Coastal Margin and the Arctic at GHRSST25
Session Description This session is dedicated to challenging regions for SST retrieval and analysis, with particular focus on coastal regions and the Arctic, which has been recognized as a [...]
Science Session 2: Climate Change and Variability in Global and Regional SST at GHRSST25
Session Description Global and regional climate SST reanalyses and climate data records are essential for monitoring and characterisation of the climate system and its change. Sustained monitoring provides an [...]
Science Session 1: Coupled Data Assimilation at GHRSST25
Session Description Coupled ocean-ice-atmosphere models have been largely used for the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and ocean forecast for many years already. They have demonstrated a significant improvement in [...]
GHRSST Annual Report 2023 is Now Available
The 2023 Annual Report for GHRSST is now available! This annual report for 2023 provides a review of the key activities and results of the Group for High Resolution Sea [...]
Behind the Scenes of Monitoring the Ocean with Satellites
As part of the UN Ocean Decade Conference Satellite Event, Monitoring the Ocean, on April 8th, 2024 in Barcelona co-hosted by GHRSST, a Behind the Scenes: Monitoring the Ocean [...]
GHRSST at Ocean Decade Week, Monitoring the Ocean Satellite Event
8 April 2024, Barcelona, ICM - Institute of Marine Sciences As part of the Ocean Decade Week, GHRSST co-organised the Satellite Event, Monitoring the Ocean. The event brought experts from marine [...]
GHRSST25 Abstract Submissions Closing this Week
Are you submitting an abstract for the 25th International SST Users' Symposium and GHRSST Science Team Meeting? The deadline for abstract submissions is fast approaching. We invite abstracts for the [...]