The 1st GHRSST Short Course on SST took place in Cape Town from 29-30 May 2014.
- Increase knowledge about GHRSST and what GHRSST provides
- Increase knowledge of Infrared Radiometry radiative transfer, cloud masking and SST retrieval
- Application of the gained knowledge with real practical examples
Chris Merchant (University of Reading, UK)
Peter Minnett (University of Miami, USA)
Gary Corlett (University of Leicester, UK)
Early-career researchers and master students.
- Overview of GHRSST and GHRSST formatted data
- Orbits, SST and atmospheric processes
- Infrared radiometry and atmospheric radiative transfer
- Introduction to SNAP ( Practical demonstration of access, download and reading of GHRSST formatted products
- Cloud screening overview; atmospheric correction algorithms.
- Cloud screening
- L1, L2, L4 concepts
- Microwave radiometry
- Uncertainties
- Processing levels
- Climate data records
- Applications