Dear Colleagues,
I hope you enjoyed GHRSST-XX in Frascati and are now looking forward to our next meeting which will be hosted by NASA and MISST in Boulder, Colorado, in June 2020.
I am currently preparing the agenda, in collaboration with the ST chair, and would like to know what topics you think we should discuss at the meeting. Please could you send your ideas to me (at or ) by end of Friday 6th December 2019.
There is unlikely to be time to discuss all topics requested so I will incorporate the most popular into the agenda so please send me your topics even if you know someone else has already suggested them.
Topics that have already been suggested include:
- Preparing machine learning training datasets
- Machine learning for algorithm development and masking
- Changing the format of the GHRSST Meeting Proceedings
- Updating the GHRSST Data Specification to include the Zarr file format
Dr Karen L Veal
GHRSST Project Office Coordinator
NCEO, University of Leicester, University Rd, Leicester. LE1 7RH. UK
Tel. +44 (0)116 229 7705