AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting

The 24th Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM24) hosted by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) will be held in New Orleans, USA from 18 to 23 February 2024.

GHRSST Science Team member, Jorge Vazquez will be co-chairing the session, “Application of remote sensing technologies in coastal and pelagic regions associated with societal impacts to meet decision support needs in the marine environment“.

Submit an Abstract

Abstract submissions are now open for this session!

About the Session: OT004 – Application of remote sensing technologies in coastal and pelagic regions associated with societal impacts to meet decision support needs in the marine environment

The NASA Applied Sciences Program promotes the development and use of satellite observations to benefit society. The focus of this session is on (1) conservation in marine pelagic and coastal regions using remotely sensed assets from NASA and international platforms in concert with in situ observations and ecological models, and (2) satellite remote sensing to characterize (sub)-mesoscale processes and features as they relate to coastal waters for fisheries and hazards, as well as coupled modeling and data assimilation approaches to better resolve and track this scale of feature. Presentations that use remote sensing data to develop decision tools and other products for use by marine resource managers and others are encouraged. These presentations may include satellite time series for spatially explicit regional studies and the related impact on long-term ecological changes. Also, applications focused on information for conservation decisions relating to designation of marine protected areas, fisheries management, aquaculture siting, and management of invasive species are welcome. Methods developed to quantify ecosystem services and projects focused on Indigenous peoples as user communities are also of interest. Efforts to develop new technologies to enhance the study of marine regions and associated applications relevant to our session are also encouraged.
Primary Chair


Student/Early Career Chair

  • Rachel M. Spratt
    • Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Submit your abstract here.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 13 September 2023, 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

Register for OSM24 and find out more about the meeting here