GHRSST formatted products are provided distributed through the Global Data Assembly Center (GDAC) and Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility (LTSRF), for current and historical data, respectively.

GHRSST Global Data Assembly Center (GDAC): is located at NASA’s Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC), and it serves as the near real time clearinghouse for all GHRSST data sets. Here all near real time data can be accessed. The GDAC provides services and tools for accessing all data products, including HTTP, and OPeNDAP. Since 2021 PO.DAAC is in the process of migrating its data archive to the Earthdata Cloud, hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS). During this transition, some data will continue to be available from the on premise archive, while some data will also be available from and within the Earthdata Cloud

After 30 days, the data are sent to the GHRSST Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility (LTSRF) at the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), for permanent archive. The LTSRF routinely ingests, formally archives, and provides access to, all GHRSST formatted products:

A large metadata transformation process to international standards is also completed at the LTSRF, where robust FGDC and ISO 19115-2 geospatial metadata records are maintained and provided to users. The LTSRF provides both the GHRSST long-term archive and forms the central hub of the distributed GHRSST re-analysis (RAN) system.

Additional access mechanisms include: