Outline of the science sessions: International SST User Symposium and GHRSST International Science Team Meeting (GHRSST24)
The GHRSST is an open international science group that promotes the [...]
The GHRSST is an open international science group that promotes the [...]
GHRSST was present at the Thermal EO 2023 workshop (https://thermal2023.esa.int/) [...]
GHRSST has been invited to present a contribution to the: [...]
A summary of the activities held in 2022 is now [...]
GHRSST Talks are a series of webinars on SST measured [...]
TRISHNA mission questionnaire The TRISHNA mission (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite [...]
GHRSST Talks, a series of talks on Sea Surface Temperature [...]
The proceedings contain the links to all the resources linked [...]
The European Space Agency, together with ASI, CNES, ISRO and [...]
NEW! Abstract submission deadline: 11 December 2022 Abstracts are now [...]