GHRSST Task teams are set up to address particular issues identified by the GHRSST Science Team. Task teams (TTs) are proposed and agreed at the annual Science Team Meetings (STM). Each task team has a chair and a team of volunteers, the task team members. Each chair is asked to appoint an early-career scientist as co-chair to encourage participation in GHRSST and ensure continuation of knowledge.
The task teams report their findings at the annual Science Team Meetings and the Science Team decides if the task team has completed its task or should continue.
The list below gives the current working task teams.
Active task teams
Click on the following links to get to know more about the task teams, their current plans, and their achievements:
- Climatology and L4 Inter-Comparison (IC)
- Evolution of the Regional/Global Task Sharing (R/G TS)
- Coral Heat Stress User SST Requirements (Coral)
- Climate Data Assessment Framework (CDAF)
- Shipborne Radiometry (ISFRN)
- Matchup Database Standards (MDB)
- Cloud Masking (CMT2)
- HRSST Drifters for Satellite SST Validation (HRSST)
Interested in joining a task team?
We are open to collaborations! Please get in touch with the chairs/co-chairs.
Tasks completed
OceanObs’19: GHRSST scientists, led by the Science Team Chair, Anne O’Carroll, prepared and presented a paper on “Observational needs of sea surface temperature” at OceanObs’19 (September 16-20, 2019) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
O’Carroll, A.G., Armstrong, E.M., Beggs, H., Bouali, M., Casey, K.S., Corlett, G.K., Dash, P., Donlon, C., Gentemann, C.L., Høyer, J.L., Ignatov, A., Kabobah, K., Kachi, M., Kurihara, Y., Karagali, I., Maturi, E., Merchant, C.J., Marullo, S., Minnett, P., Pennybacker, M., Ramakrishnan, B., Ramsankaran, R.A.A.J., Santoleri, R., Sunder, S., Picart, S.S., Vázquez-Cuervo, J., & Wimmer, W. (2019). Observational needs of sea surface temperature. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, doi:
Closed task teams
- High Latitude SST (HLSST)
- Single Sensor Error Statistics and L4 (SSESL4)
- Feature Fidelity (F2T2)