This page provides the primary documents that govern the work of GHRSST:
- GHRSST strategy and implementation plan (GDIP)
- GHRSST terms of references (ToR).
- GHRSST Science Team Membership – Practical Guidelines
GHRSST Strategy and Implementation Plan (GDIP)

The GHRSST Strategy and Implementation Plan outlines the strategic aims for GHRSST for the period 2012 to 2022. Six main strategic themes of GHRSST result from the GHRSST Terms of References, i.e., from the necessity to maintain the data flow which GHRSST users rely on (Strategic Aim I), together with quality estimates (Strategic Aim II) as well as from the necessity to nurture the science (Strategic Aim III) which allows the users to make full use of the information. The interaction between operational, scientific and user communities is a crucial driver for progress, reflected in complimenting Strategic Aim IV (develop and maintain user interaction). Further, GHRSST strives for strengthening links with the international community (Strategic Aim V) and gives recommendations for the future (Strategic Aim VI).
Zenodo link:
Cite as: GHRSST Project Office. (2012). GHRSST Strategy and Implementation Plan (GDIP) (GPO-D02-GDIPv1 Version 1.1 (2012-2022)). Zenodo.
GHRSST Terms of Reference

Version 2.1 as amended on 23 June 2021, and with an updated logo. This is the document explaining the aim of GHRSST, providing the terms of reference for GHRSST implementation, and the GHRSST structure, including the implementation of the GHRSST project office, the GHRSST Advisory Council and the CEOS SST-VC.
Link to the document: GHRSST-ToR-v2.1-NewLogo
GHRSST Science Team Membership – Practical Guidelines

The GHRSST Science Team Membership – Practical Guidelines, Issue 3, Revision 0 was published 6 May 2014. The document was prepared by Peter Minnett, Gary Corlett, and Silvia Bragaglia-Pike.
Link to the document: GHRSST Science Team Membership – Practical Guidelines