When creating this website, we aimed to make something that’s accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We worked, and actively work, to increase the accessibility and usability of the website by testing in a number of browsers, screen readers, accessibility and HTML validators and other web tools. By doing this, we align ourselves with many of the available standards and guidelines set for websites on the Internet today.
The site has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML and CSS and checked with the W3C Markup Validation Service. We aim for the site to display correctly and uniformly across all major current browsers and the use of standards compliant code should mean any future browsers will also display it correctly. However, whilst we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability and attempt to ensure that all the content validates and displays correctly, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website.
For users with disabilities or technological disadvantages we’ve aimed to make the site as easy to use as possible. This includes the addition of a site index listing all cross site content and the good use of underpining design to ensure that users without styles, images or javascript can still operate the site and access the majority of the content as easily as possible.
Changing the zoom level of the browser window allows the site’s content to be expanded while retaining the sites layout and structure.
On a Windows PC:
- Zoom in = Ctrl and +
- Zoom out = Ctrl and –
- Restore to Default View = Ctrl and 0
On a Mac:
- Zoom in = Command and +
- Zoom out Ctrl = Command and –
- Restore to Default View = Command and 0
If you have difficulty reading the text on the screen you can resize it as follows:
For Microsoft Internet Explorer
- On the View menu at the top of your browser choose Text Size
- Increase or decrease as appropriate
For Firefox
- On the View menu at the top of your browser choose Text Size
- Increase or decrease as appropriate
If you are using any other browser, check its “Help” facility to find out how to do it. There are also other options within your browser to help with accessibility eg. changing text and background colours. Check your browser’s help facility for instruction on how to use these functions.