Science Team Publications List 2014
Bouali, M., & Ignatov, A. (2014). Adaptive Reduction of Striping for Improved Sea Surface Temperature Imagery from Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 150-163, doi:
Bulgin, C.E., Sembhi, H., Ghent, D., Remedios, J.J., & Merchant, C.J. (2014). Cloud-clearing techniques over land for land-surface temperature retrieval from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35, 3594-3615, doi:
Chin, T.M., Vazquez-Cuervo, J., & Armstrong, E.M. (2014). On “Gridless” Interpolation and Subgrid Data Density. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 1642-1652, doi:
Corlett, G.K., Merchant, C.J., Minnett, P.J., & Donlon, C.J. (2014). Assessment of Long-Term Satellite Derived Sea Surface Temperature Records. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 639-677): Academic Press, doi:
Donlon, C.J., Minnett, P.J., Jessup, A., Barton, I., Emery, W., Hook, S., Wimmer, W., Nightingale, T.J., & Zappa, C. (2014). Ship-Borne Thermal Infrared Radiometer Systems. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 305-404): Academic Press, doi:
Emery, W.J., Good, W.S., Tandy, W., Izaguirre, M.A., & Minnett, P.J. (2014). A Microbolometer Airborne Calibrated Infrared Radiometer: The Ball Experimental Sea Surface Temperature (BESST) Radiometer. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52, 7775-7781, doi:
Gladkova, I., Kihai, Y., Ignatov, A., Shahriar, F., & Petrenko, B. (2014). Exploring pattern recognition enhancements to ACSPO clear-sky mask for VIIRS: potential and limitations. In, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications. Baltimore, Maryland, United States: SPIE, doi:
Liu, G., Heron, S.F., Eakin, C.M., Muller-Karger, F.E., Vega-Rodriguez, M., Guild, L.S., De La Cour, J.L., Geiger, E.F., Skirving, W.J., Burgess, T.F.R., Strong, A.E., Harris, A., Maturi, E., Ignatov, A., Sapper, J., Li, J., & Lynds, S. (2014). Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch. Remote Sensing, 6, 11579-11606, doi:
Liu, Q., Ignatov, A., Weng, F., & Liang, X. (2014). Removing Solar Radiative Effect from the VIIRS M12 Band at 3.7 μm for Daytime Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 2522-2529, doi:
McClain, C.R., & Minnett, P.J. (2014). Satellite Radiometry. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 69-72): Academic Press/Elsevier, doi:
Merchant, C.J., & Embury, O. (2014). Simulation and Inversion of Satellite Thermal Measurements. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 489-526): Academic Press, doi:
Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Roberts-Jones, J., Fiedler, E., Bulgin, C.E., Corlett, G.K., Good, S., McLaren, A., Rayner, N., Morak-Bozzo, S., & Donlon, C. (2014). Sea surface temperature datasets for climate applications from Phase 1 of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (SST CCI). Geoscience Data Journal, 1, 179-191, doi:
Minnett, P.J. (2014). Sea Surface Temperature. In E.G. Njoku (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing (pp. 761-766). Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media, doi:
Minnett, P.J., & Smith, D.L. (2014). Postlaunch Calibration and Stability. In G. Zibordi, C.J. Donlon & A.C. Parr (Eds.), Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements (pp. 201-243): Academic Press/Elsevier,doi:
Petrenko, B., Ignatov, A., Kihai, Y., Stroup, J., & Dash, P. (2014). Evaluation and selection of SST regression algorithms for JPSS VIIRS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 4580-4599, doi:
Petrenko, B., Ignatov, A., Kihai, Y., Zhou, X., & Stroup, J. (2014). SST algorithms in ACSPO reanalysis of AVHRR GAC data from 2002-2013. In, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications. Baltimore, Maryland, United States: SPIE, doi:
Szczodrak, M., Minnett, P.J., & Evans, R.H. (2014). The effects of anomalous atmospheres on the accuracy of infrared sea-surface temperature retrievals: Dry air layer intrusions over the tropical ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 450-465, doi:
Woods, S., Minnett, P.J., Gentemann, C.L., & Bogucki, D. (2014). Influence of the oceanic cool skin layer on global air–sea CO2 flux estimates. Remote Sensing of Environment, 145, 15-24, doi:
Xu, F., & Ignatov, A. (2014). In situ SST Quality Monitor (iQuam). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 164-180, doi:
Zhu, X., Minnett, P.J., Berkelmans, R., Hendee, J., & Manfrino, C. (2014). Diurnal warming in shallow coastal seas: Observations from the Caribbean and Great Barrier Reef regions. Continental Shelf Research, 82, 85-98, doi: