Wednesday 10 January 2024
From 18:00 pm-18:45 pm CET
From 17:00 pm-17:45 pm UTC
(check your timezone
Naval Oceanographic Office Sea Surface Temperature Processing and Products
The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Ocean Measurements Division is responsible for providing near-real-time sea surface temperature (SST) measurements to the US Navy and national/international partners. NAVOCEANO and other Navy partners provide the research and development of the SST processing for numerous satellite data sets that NAVOCEANO operationally produces. This SST data assimilates into the Navy’s Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) and Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) and soon into the Navy Global Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC). NAVOCEANO is a member of the Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST), operationally providing and acquiring GHRSST datasets. The intent of this talk to go into further detail on the products we create, show the satellites we currently use as well as the ones we will use in the future, and display our contributions to the GHRSST community.
About Danielle Carpenter
Ms. Carpenter is a physical scientist working at the Naval Oceanographic Office. Ms. Carpenter is a northeastern transplant, hailing from Pennsauken, NJ. She graduated from Jacksonville University in 2004 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Science and a minor in Psychology and later graduated from Florida Institute of Technology in 2007 with a Master’s Degree in Meteorology. While at Jacksonville University, she was a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority, Panhellenic Council, and Green Key Honor Society, and while at Florida Institute of Technology, she became a member of the American Meteorological Society, partook in many different internships, and was the recipient of five awards and fellowships.
Ms. Carpenter’s career at Stennis Space Center began in March 2008 at the National Data Buoy Center as a contractor with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). She served as a senior data analyst, quality controlling meteorological and oceanographic data worldwide from buoys and shoreline stations. She managed and facilitated work assignments for about a dozen data analysts, and also trained and mentored fellow analysts and interns on quality control functions and programs. She advanced to Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) data analyst in October 2010, which continued quality control activities specifically focused on buoys in the equatorial Pacific that monitor climatological El Nino/La Nina activity.
Ms. Carpenter has been working at the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) since May 2012, and has been working in the Remote Sensing NP321 branch the entire time. She first worked as an Ocean Feature Analyst, creating front and eddy maps for the northern hemisphere to support Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Navy models. She led the transition of that project to Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), which earned her a Team Award, and became the project lead for the Navy Surface Heat Flux (NFLUX) project, and the project co-lead for the Multi Mission Satellite Processing Segment (MMSPS) and the Ice Concentration Processing System (ICPS) project. All three projects were new for the branch, and through the years she learned a lot about project conceptualization and creation, software development and implementation, maintenance support coordination, and documenting standard operating procedures. While continuing to be on the ICPS team, Ms. Carpenter has recently transitioned to being a member of the Altimetry Data Fusion Center (ADFC) team and the Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature (MCSST) team, which includes working with the international community as a member of the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST). She has also broadened her role of working with external data partners as a member on the Committee for Operational Processing Centers (COPC) team, becoming co-chair for the Satellite Observational Data Working Group (WG/OD). She is a member of the 2023 CNMOC Executive Leadership Program cohort.
Outside of work, Danielle enjoys walking the track at Stennis or going to Zumba and Hip Hop classes at the gym, either watching too much TV or listening to too many podcasts, getting together with friends for shenanigans, and cheering on her hometown sports teams. Go Flyers, Go PHILLIES, and GO BIRDS!!!
Watch Danielle’s GHRSST Talk
Download the presentation here.