The 25th International SST Users’ Symposium and GHRSST Science Team Meeting will take place in Montreal, Canada from June 10th to 14th. The event will be co-hosted by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Université du Québec à Montréal.


  • 21 May: Deadline for providing presentations, posters and pre-recordings
  • 1 June: deadline for registration for participating online at GHRSST25

Key Preparation Documents for GHRSST25

Below you will find key documents which you should read prior to attending GHRSST25!

Outline of the Symposium and Science Team Meeting

Monday: Reports of the agencies: DACs and GHRSST Data Producers updates and Reports of the task teams (1-4)

Tuesday: Science sessions and Poster session and icebreaker event

Wednesday: Science sessions (continuation) and Afternoon/evening: Social event and dinner

Thursday: Science Sessions (continuation)

Friday: GHRSST workshop, Wrap up and CEOS SST-VC Meeting (on invitation only)

The 25th International SST User Symposium Science Sessions

Science Session 1: Coupled Data Assimilation

Chair: Sergey Skachko (ECCC)

Co-Chair: Misako Kachi (JAXA)


Towards Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation at Environment Canada, Mark Buehner (Environment and Climate Change Canada) (Presentation: Towards a Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation at Environment Canada (


Explore the Session 1 Description and Presenters Here

Science Session 2: Climate Change and Variability in Global and Regional SST

Chair: Marisol García-Reyes (Farallon Institute)

Co-Chair: Haifeng Zhang (Bureau of Meteorology)


Impact of resolution on observed SST climatology and variability, Cristina González-Haro (Institut de Ciències del Mar – ICM, Barcelona Expert Center – BEC on Remote Sensing Spanish National Research Council – CSIC)


  • A new global, combined SST and IST CDR from 1982 to 2024, for the Copernicus Climate Change Service, Ioanna Karagali (Danish Meteorological Institute) (Presentation: A new global, combined SST and IST CDR from 1982 to 2024, for the Copernicus Climate Change Service C3S (
  • The strange case of the presisting Mediterranean heatwave, Salvatore Marullo (CNCNR – Institute of Marine Sciences – Rome – Italy)
  • Exceptional global sea surface temperatures associated with the 2023 and 2024 El Nino, Christopher Merchant (National Centre for Earth Observation and Univeristy)
  • Analysis of the Global Marine Heat waves based on CMA Ocean Data Analysis System for Sea Surface Temperature (CODAS-SST) Datasets, Zhihong Liao (National Meteorological Information Centre, China Meteorological Administration)
Explore the Session 2 Description and Presenters Here

Science Session 3: Challenging Regions: the Coastal Margin and the Arctic

Chair: Sandra Castro (CCAR, University of Colorado)

Co-Chair: Jean-Philippe Paquin (Environment and Climate Change Canada)


Multi-scale variations of ocean temperature off the coast of Nova Scotia: Analyses in situ and remote sensing observations and high-resolution ocean models towards applications in ecosystem and fishery, Youyu Lu (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) (Presentation: Mutli-scale variations of ocean temperature off the coast of Nova Scotia: Analyses of in situ and remote sensing observations and high-resolution ocean models towards applications in ecosystem and fishery (


Explore the Session 3 Description and Presenters Here

Science Session 4: Calibration, Validation, and Product Assessment

Chair: Daniele Ciani (CNR-ISMAR)

Co-Chair: Marouan Bouali (Orbty Ltd.)


Derivation and Validation of over two decades of skin SST retrievals from MODIS on Terra and Aqua, Peter Minnett (RSMAS, University of Miami) (Presentation: Deviation and validation of over two decades of skin SST retrievals from MODIS on Terra and Aqua (


Explore the Session 4 Description and Presenters Here

Science Session 5: Advances in Computing and Products

Chair: Veronica Lance (NOAA)

Co-Chair: Ed Armstong (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)


A Deep Learning Approach to Satellite Bias Correction in Level 4 Data Assimilation SST Products, Garrett Graham (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information/North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies)


  • Fast Simulation of Infrared Atmospheric Optical Depth Based on Neural Network, Mingkun Liu (College of Marine Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China)
  • 4DVarNet-SST: Neural Data assimilation schemes for the production of L4 NRT SST product on the North Sea/Baltic Sea, Maxime Beauchamp (IMT Atlantique)
  • Recent Advances in Applications of Cloud Computing and Cloud Data Optimization, Edward M. Armstrong (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology) (Presentation: Recent Advances in Cloud Computing and Cloud Data Optimization (
  • Improvements to the NOAA iQuam System: Enhancing Data Completeness and Quality, Yaping Li (GST at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR)
Explore the Session 5 Description and Presenters Here

Science Session: Applications and Observations

Chair: Gary Wick (NOAA/OAR/PSL)

Co-Chair: Pia Nielsen-Englyst (DMI)


  • Improved Surface Currents from Altimeter-Derived and Sea Surface Temperature Observations: Application to the North Atlantic Ocean and intercomparison of the OSTIA L4 NRT and REP Products, Daniele Ciani (CNR-ISMAR)
  • Selection, in-situ calibration, and minimum coverage of a GHRSST product for the monitoring of the Canadian Atlantic Zone, Peter Galbraith (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) (Presentation: Selection, in-situ calibration, and minimum coverage of a GHRSST product for the monitoring of the Canadian Atlantic Zone (
  • A new parameterization for oceanic diurnal warming, Andy Harris (NOAA-CISESS, University of Maryland)
  • When is Wind Speed Not Enough for Characterizing the Cool Skin?, Sandra Castro (CCAR, University of Colorado)
Explore the Session Presenters Here

GHRSST25 Points of Contact

For general questions, please contact the following persons: